- Neighborhood Pancake Breakfasts - Sat, Sep 2, 16, & 30 @ 8 am - noon - Parish Hall
- Centennial Dedication & Celebration - Sun, Sep 17 @ 10:30 am - Nave & Parish Hall
- Life Line Community Health Screening Event - Thu, Sep 28 Parish Hall

ALTAR FLOWERS - It is a St. James tradition to place flowers or greenery on the altar in honor of, or in thanksgiving for loved ones. Altar Flowers/Greenery are needed for Sep 24; Oct 1, 8, 15, & 29; Nov. 5, 19, & 26; and Dec 3 & 17. Please contact Linda Goins for information lgoins@stjamesknox.org or 865-523-5687.
Dear Friends,
September is here! It was in September of 1923 that St. James was chartered as a parish in the Diocese of Tennessee. (The one diocese eventually became three.) We have been celebrating and will continue to celebrate 100 years of ministry. I know some old friends will be here to celebrate with us on September 17 when Bishop Cole will bless our renovations and celebrate with us. Come and join us for worship at 10:30 and for a reception following. The celebration will continue throughout the year as we remember those who have come before and move into the next 100 years.
We continue to pray, study, and serve together. Note that there are many opportunities to come together. You will hear from our Justice Ministry team leaders as we begin house meetings. I will be gathering with folks on Sunday mornings in September to talk about spiritual practices. There are weekday groups and gatherings listed in this newsletter.
I am grateful for all the gifts that help us do ministry as a community. It does take your gifts of time, talent, and money to do these things. It also takes presence, prayer, and patience. We see that as we sit with someone in need, when we feed our neighbors, and when we speak up for justice. Thank you for all the gifts you bring.
Fr. John Mark

The cost of the new Courtyard Fencing & Gates was approximately $26,200. These improvements will preserve and protect this space for the enjoyment of everyone seeking brief periods of safe and peaceful respite during the daytime. Your financial gift to assist in covering the cost of these improvements will help to ensure the continued success of our ministry for many years to come.

DEDICATION CEREMONY & CELEBRATION - As we near the completion of renovations commemorating the centennial anniversary of St. James Episcopal Church, join us for our Centennial Dedication Ceremony & Celebration on Sunday, September 17th. The ceremony will begin during the 10:30 am morning worship service in the Nave with The Rt. Rev Bishop Brian Cole in attendance. The celebration will continue immediately afterwards with a reception in the Parish Hall featuring celebratory cakes baked by our members (their favorites), finger food savories, soft beverages and champagne. We hope to see you at this special dedication & celebration 100 years in the making! Note: There will be no 8 am worship service on September 17th. Regular 8 am attendees are encouraged to attend the 10:30 am service.
CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS - As we get closer to our planned Dedication Ceremony & Celebration on Sunday, September 17th, final renovations are just about FINISHED in the nave and the parish house. Ministry group leaders are busily coordinating activities related to the "reoccupation" of their work and meeting spaces as we await delivery of our new cathedral chairs in early September. If you have not already provided a gift or pledge to the Centennial Capital Campaign, please consider doing so now to help us pay for all the improvements that have been made. Click the images below for a closer look at some of the most recent improvements!
CATHEDRAL CHAIR DEDICATIONS - More than 70 of our new cathedral chairs have been sponsored in thanksgiving or in memory of loved ones by family, friends, and St. James ministry groups. Our solid red oak chairs will have the look and feel of pew seating but they will be much more comfortable and allow for greater seating flexibility.You are invited to "sponsor" an individual cathedral chair(s) by making a $500 cash contribution to St. James Episcopal Church. In exchange for your cash contribution, the backside of each chair you sponsor will be fitted with an engraved brass plate commemorating your gift. Access a Cathedral Chair Sponsorship Form at THIS LINK. If you have additional questions about sponsoring one or more cathedral chairs, please contact kevin@stjamesknox.org or jwiggers@stjamesknox.org. Below are examples of the dedications that have already been secured. More examples will be displayed next week!
MOVING INTO THE NEXT 100 YEARS - Thanks to each of you who has helped to bring us this far with your gifts and pledges to our Centennial Capital Campaign. To date, we have secured $775,597 in gifts and pledges as outlined below:
- Campaign Donations: $400,261
- Additional Pledged Donations: $335,596
- Cathedral Chair Donations: $33,500
- Old Pew Purchase Donations: $2,700
- Quilt Signature Donations: $3,540
If you have been prayerfully thinking about making a donation or a pledge, now would be a great time to help accelerate the progress we have made toward reaching our $2M goal. Click the following links to explore the many different ways to support our Capital Campaign as we move into the next 100 years. Access a Capital Campaign Pledge Form at THIS LINK. Access a Cathedral Chair Sponso4ship Form at THIS LINK. Access a Legacy Giving Brochure at THIS LINK.
THANK YOU . . . Mark & Susan Abell, Aramark Hospitality Company, Mike & Elizabeth Armstrong, Asset Realty Management, Brian & Sandra Austin, Caroline Ballinger, The Rev. Larry & Faye Beach, Rick Bearden, Marty Begalla, Blackburn Development Group, Betty Bowling, Rick & Lynda Brown, Susan Brown, Jim & Gayle Browne, Bessie Burell, Ashley Burell & Kyla Keck, Troy Burns, Chester & Francie Butler, Mark & Emily Campen, Hoyt & Marilyn Canady, Marie Cantrell, Paul Cate, Mark Chait, Harry & Patty Chase, Scott Childs, Jane Clift & Children, SuAnne Cobb & Margaret Bickley, Brian Cole, Bill & Ginny Combs, Thomas & Rebecca Cox, Lee Creech & Beth Meyer, Doug Creveling, Katharine Pearson Criss, Janet Dees, Linda Denton, Theresa DeRosa, Boyce & Susan Driskell, Gregg & Leslie Duncan, Duane & Linda Dunlap, Kristin (Dunlap) Eddy, Bea Emory, Episcopal Church Women, Scott Erwin, Financial Marketplace, Inc., Linda Fitzpatrick, Lou Ann Gaby, Charles Goan, Linda Goins, Liz & Christopher Golliher, Margaret Goodman, Joseph Gouffon, Linda Granstrom, Susan Gray, Stacy Hall, Patricia Hammer, Drew Harper, Victoria Hawkins & Bryce Giesler, Charlotte Headrick, Barbara Hickey & David Linge, Tracy Horton, Judy Householder & Trina Hubbs, Mary Ireland, Kevin & Drew Jeske-Polyak, Carl Keaney, John & Merilee Kerwin, Sheila C & Donn Kurtz, Charles & Diane Livermore, Angie Livesay & Bill Collins, Carlene Loop & Lew Walton, Ed Maples & Monica Harrison-Maples, Charles & Frieda Marsh, Leslie Matthews, Carol McDaniel, Mary McGavock & Damon Beard, Ed & Evelyn Miller, Rodney & Mary Moore, Pam Morris & Renee Smith, Sarah & Todd Moss, Mary Muir, Phyllis Muth, Timothy & Jessie Nichols, Audrey Nitz, Annette Norris (in memory), Mary Nelle Osborne, Powell & Susan Partridge, Robin & David Penegar, Steven Pierce & Carla McKeethren, Charlotte & Joe Moellendick, Nancy Pullen & David Preuss, Mary Reddington, Lou Ann Robinson, Will Root, Jim Rowland, Gerald Segroves, Ann Shelor, Kenneth & Kathleen Sherfick, Wendy Skinner, Sandra Sleeman, St. James Handbell Ensemble, Drew Steen & Karen Lloyd, Jennie Sullivan, Sharon Teets, Gay Thompson, Cynthia Thornburg & Tom Dunne, Thursday Christian Formation Class, Janet Van Der Dussen, Jimmie & Carolyn Wheeler, John Mark & Liz Wiggers, Dean Wiggers, Michelle & Bob Williams, Richard Wilson, Butch & Carol Yates, Bill & Kim Yearman, and Steven & Elizabeth Campbell Young, Jeffrey & Alice Zaher.
OUR CENTENNIAL PRAYER - Lord Christ, the shepherd of the sheep, we give thanks for those who have built up the work of St. James over the past 100 years. Give us grace to continue in their faithfulness by doing justice and mercy in this community. Grant us generous hearts to support and build the resources that will strengthen and continue our work of feeding and tending your sheep. May we do all these things to your glory, you who reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

The cost of the Epoxy Flooring & Labyrinth in the Nave was approximately $56,700. These improvements will increase the diversified use of our gathering space, improve ease of maintenance, and enhance the appearance and spirituality of our experience in the Nave. Your financial gift to assist in covering the cost of these improvements will help to ensure the continued success of our ministry for many years to come.

FORWARD MOVEMENT - DAY BY DAY (August 31) - If you remember, we began this month scattered on the hillside, hungry, waiting for bread and fish to satisfy our hunger. We were worried there would not be enough. But we lingered and were fed. How lovely then that we end this month at another supper, in the quiet of a chamber around a table with our friend Jesus. It is the last supper he will enjoy with his friends, and the air is filled with equal parts thanksgiving and anxiety. It turns into an evening of betrayal. But more importantly, it becomes an evening of blessing. With the Passover in the air, the bread and wine become promises of liberation and life. They signify the promise of God's kingdom and God's hope. And then they sing a hymn and go out to the Mount of Olives. We know the rest: betrayal, trial, suffering, crucifixion, resurrection, and leaving. But mostly, we know that each time we gather to remember this supper, Jesus is with us. He promised. He promises. So, let us break bread together, sing our hymns, and go out rejoicing. Source: Forward Movement
IN-PERSON BIBLE STUDY - Contemporary Bible study is a practice that seeks to explore and understand the teachings of the Bible in the context of modern times. It involves the examination of biblical texts, their historical and cultural backgrounds, as well as the application of those teachings to contemporary issues and challenges faced by individuals and society. We are currently meeting in-person to explore two short stories, a melodrama, a play, a fractured fairy tale and more -- all found in the books of Jonah, Ruth, Job, Ester, and others. Led by Marie Cantrell, our in-person Bible study class takes place on Wednesday mornings from 10 am - 11:15 am in Conference Room A through October 25. If interested, contact Marie Cantrell, mariewcantrell@gmail.com.
LOCAL NEEDS - Compassion Coalition, of which St. James is an active member, is transforming our city. It represents the body of Christ working together in unity to serve the greatest needs. This is one of the local needs that has been identified by Compassion Coalition . . . A male Veteran in the 37918 area has limited transportation to appointments and needs a bicycle. If you can assist, please contact Kimberly at 423-670-5304 or Kimberly.marshall1@va.gov.
 The cost of the Vinyl Flooring in the Parish Hall, Conference Room, administrative hallways, & sacristy hallway was approximately $50,500. This improvement will improve cleanliness, ease of maintenance, and the overall appearance of our social & administrative gathering places. Your financial gift to assist in covering the cost of these improvements will help to ensure the continued success of our ministry for many years to come.

DO YOU LOVE CHILDREN? - Do you enjoy watching children grow and learn? Can you spare one Sunday a month or quarter? We at St. James cherish the children of our community, and the Children's Programs are in need of volunteers. We have two distinct programs at St. James, (Nursery & Youth Ministry), and we are anxious to start a third group for "Tweens" who are moving on into middle school. NURSERY PROGRAM (age: infant to age 4 or 5) . . . This program is designed for God's youngest children. Nursery volunteers are graced with the absolute pleasure of enjoying and tending to our littlest saints while their parents attend service. YOUTH MINISTRY PROGRAM (grades: preK - 4th) . . . The curriculum, ("Lesson Plans that Work"), is for youth who learn about the Acts of the Apostles readings. Stories are read and discussed and often include doing a simple craft. Volunteers are gratified spending time with children who are eager to learn more! TWEEN MINISTRY PROGRAM (grades: 5th - 8th) . . . As mentioned, we seek to offer a program for our growing youth who want more personal time to delve into the stories they have learned and so much more. We utilize our "junior" Bibles to allow their young minds to explore the Word. The Nursery has been in full operation throughout the summer. We are planning to start the Youth Ministry Classes on September 24th. These classes are nearly impossible to run without the help of our "Volunteers". We need YOU! Please contact Theresa Ann Russell at tde444@yahoo.com and please include "St. James Volunteer" in the subject matter so your email can be quickly spotted. If you prefer to text or call, reach out to 727-858-8444.

The cost of the Countertops & Cabinets, in the Parish Hall & Sacristy hallway was approximately $27,000. These improvements will increase the functionality of our work spaces and increase the organization of storage spaces. Your financial gift to assist in covering the cost of these improvements will help to ensure the continued success of our ministry for many years to come.
PANCAKES THIS SATURDAY! - St. James is excited to be sponsoring a series of six (6) Neighborhood Pancake Breakfasts during the months of September, October & November! Our menu will feature delicious fluffy pancakes topped with butter & maple syrup, sausage links, chilled orange juice, milk, and freshly brewed coffee. Breakfast will be served in the Parish Hall on Saturday mornings from 9 am - noon on the following biweekly schedule: Sep 2, 16 & 30, Oct 14 & 28, and Nov 11. Whether you volunteer to help serve, or simply come and enjoy the delicious breakfast, your participation will be a wonderful way to share fellowship and get to know your neighbors better, both at St. James and within the larger Old North Knoxville Neighborhood. The best way we can prepare for each breakfast event will be to obtain a good estimate of the number of guests we expect. You can help by providing an RSVP before 5 pm on the Friday before each event by using the form at THIS LINK! Then, even if some additional neighbors join us without pre-registering, we will be sure to have enough to feed everyone! Tickets for this friend-raising initiative can be purchased in advance by texting "STJAMESBROADWAY pancake" to 73256 using your cell phone. Tickets will also be available at the door. If you would like to volunteer to be a member of a St. James Pancake Breakfast Team, please contact Jeremy Myers jeremymeyers1217@gmail.com or DeAnna Franklin sweetdeee216@gmail.com. Volunteers are needed to perform important tasks like cooking pancakes, serving beverages, clearing tables, and cleaning up.
NEIGHBOR DAY AUCTION - Take a look at the 65 wonderful gift items that have already been collected and posted at the St. James Neighbor Day auction website: sjneighborday.com. We will continue to add more items every week through September 24th. Our annual auction is an exciting affair where high-value or unique items are sold to the highest bidder to support the ministries of outreach at St. James. The atmosphere is playfully competitive as participants bid against each other to “win”! This year, our Neighbor Day Auction will be held during the 2-week period of Sun, Sep 24 – Sat, Oct 7. For several months now, we have been asking local businesses to support our event by donating merchandise or gift cards. Now, we are asking the family and friends of St. James to donate additional items to include in the auction. If you have some items you think would be great for our fundraising auction, please contact Drew Jeske-Polyak jeskepolyak@gmail.com 865-659-6742. Here are some of the gift items already donated for this year's Neighbor Day Auction:
23-088 Accent End Table 23-092 Hall of Fame 23-098 Zoo Knoxville
23-102 Ruby Falls 23-106 Baby Bear Chairs 23-115 Vintage Table Top
23-122 Ijam's Membership 23-127 TV Wall Mount 23-130 Ripley's Aquarium
LIFE LINE SCREENING - St. James is pleased to be partnering with Life Line Screening to offer cardiovascular screenings in our neighborhood. Advanced ultrasound technology looks inside your arteries for signs of plaque buildup. That's why 9 out of 10 cardiovascular doctors support preventive screening for all adults age 50+ and others who are age 40+ with high risk factors that may include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, smoking, or family history. Four different screenings will be offered for one church discounted price of $149, but you MUST register for an appointment. The screenings will take place in the Parish Hall right here at St. James on Thursday, September 28, 2023. To reserve your appointment, please call 1-800-640-6307 or visit LLSA.SOCIAL/HC. Click HERE to download the a flyer which includes a more detailed description of the four different screenings.

 The cost of the Lighting, Acoustics, & Electrical Upgrades in the Parish House was approximately $199,200. These improvements will provide adjustable lighting, reduce electrical bills, improve quality of sound, and enhance the appearance of our Parish Hall and Kitchen spaces, Your financial gift to assist in covering the cost of these improvements will help to ensure the continued success of our ministry for many years to come.

Fr. John Mark's Blog. https://www.stjamesknox.org/rector-blog insights and comments on various timely topics.
SUN: Sunday Morning Christian Formation. (Library). 9:15 am - 10:15. Join Fr. John Mark at 9:15 am on Sundays. We will be discussing various subjects.
MON: Centering Prayer. (Zoom 1st & 3rd Monday, Zoom & Library 2nd & 4th Monday). 6 pm - 7 pm.
Zoom Link Meeting ID: 813 3584 8679 | Pray.
TUE: Tuesday Morning Discussion Group. (Zoom). 11 am - noon. Meeting ID 816 8271 5668 and Passcode 481655. Contact: Margaret mbick7@gmail.com, or call 865-384-7422 for assistance.
TUE: Tuesday Evening Prayer. (Zoom). 5:30 pm - 6:00 pm. Zoom Link Meeting ID: 884 2912 1929 Password: Pray.
TUE: The Soul of the Indian. (Zoom). 6 pm - 7 pm. "Black Elk Speaks" by John G. Neihardt. The story of Black Elk, an Oglala Lakota medicine man. Contact: rondmorton@gmail.com for the link.
WED: In-Person Bible Study. (Conf Room A). 10 am - 11:15 am, Sep 20-Oct 25. Exploring two short stories, a melodrama, a play, a fractured fairy tale and more – all found in the books of Jonah, Ruth, Job, Ester, and others. If interested, contact Marie Cantrell, mariewcantrell@gmail.com.
THU: Thursday Study Group. (Parish Hall). 10 am - September 7 and 14 We will be discussing the video “The Way.” Call or email Nancy Pullen with any questions - 415-722-0139 or nepullen@gmail.com.
THU: Praying the Anglican Rosary. (Zoom). 7 pm - 8 pm. One hour of praying the Anglican rosary. All are welcome! Meeting ID: 836 8961 2206 | rosary Contact cynthia.thornburg16@gmail.com or mbick7@gmail.com.
SAT: Helping Hands Ministry Group. (Food Pantry). 9 am - 10 am every other Saturday. Feeding and tending God's sheep by taking prayer requests and distributing bags of groceries. The 3rd Sunday of the month is “Bring an Item” Day to support Helping Hands. Contact Ginny Combs gcombs1947@outlook.com.
SAT: Prayer Shawl Ministry Group. (Library). 10 am every First Saturday of the month. Knitting and crocheting combined into a prayerful ministry and spiritual practice reaches out to neighbors in need of comfort and solace, as well as in celebration and joy. Contact Suzanne Farkas sfarkas1926@gmail.com for more information.
SAT: Episcopal Church Women. (Parish Hall). 10 am every Third Saturday of the month. Enjoying hands-on involvement in church life, celebrating the children of St James, and sponsoring parish-wide opportunities. Contact Nancy Pullen nepullen@gmail.com for more information.

Prayer Request cards are currently located in racks in the window sills in the Parish Hall. Please place completed cards in the offering plate. New requests, indicated with (✝), will remain on this list for one month. Other names indicated with (✞) may remain longer. Please call or email the church to ask that your prayer requests be continued or removed from the list.
✝ All Teachers & Educators ✝ Dorothy Bolding ✝ Bob Carpenter ✝ Gene Chittum ✝ Em Chitty ✝ Lucy DeRosa ✝ Margaret Goodman ✝ Musu Hoffman ✝ Mark Jerger ✝ James Edward Johnson ✝ Mandy Jones ✝ Ella Kurtz ✝ Bill & Cis Lee ✝ Aiden LoVallo ✝ Monica Harrison-Maples ✝ Mary Moore ✝ Mary Priest ✝ Donna & John Schmidt ✝ Sharon Teets ✝ Stephanie Wayland ✝ Richard Wilson ✝ The State Legislature ✝ Houseless Neighbors on Broadway
✞ All Children in Detention ✞ Jacob ✞ Kathy, Jim, & Family ✞ Lily ✞ Aunt Nadine ✞ Harry Adcock ✞ Trevor Adkins ✞ Theresa Alfredson ✞ Marie Allen ✞ Louise Applegate ✞ Gail Barnhill ✞ John Baum ✞ Steve Bell ✞ Berryhill Family ✞ Betty Blevins ✞ Jim Brooks ✞ Lynda Brown ✞ Shannon Campbell Burton ✞ Byrd Family ✞ Addy Byrge ✞ Matt Cahoon ✞ Joseph Cairo ✞ Mildred Cairo ✞ Phil Cairo ✞ Helen Cargile ✞ Danny & Linda Chattain ✞ Frances Childes ✞ Susan & Boyce Driskell ✞ Tom Dunne ✞ Ron Dunning ✞ Christine Durant ✞ Chandler Rose Dyer ✞ Terri & Donna Foster-Allen ✞ Carolyn Gregory ✞ Fran Hamm ✞ Betty Harb ✞ Linda Henderson ✞ Barbara Hickey ✞ Spencer Hicks ✞ Bill Kaloger ✞ Nancy & Ed Kelly ✞ Doug Kimzey ✞ Toni Kivet ✞ Sheila & Donn Kurtz ✞ Frank & Martha Laszlo ✞ Nicole Lawrence ✞ G.R. Lewis ✞ Charlotte Linge ✞ Sherry Longworth ✞ Linda Lyle & Kerry Roehr ✞ MacNeil Family ✞ Fasia Massaquoi ✞ Liz & Guerry McComas ✞ Mary McNamara ✞ Lisa McNeal ✞ Pat Medley ✞ Sean Merritt ✞ Evelyn Miller ✞ David Minor ✞ Cyn Mobley ✞ Noel Oman ✞ Pam Parham ✞ Doris Seymour Parrott ✞ Elizabeth Partridge ✞ Betsy Pierce ✞ Alexander Pierre ✞ Danny Pili ✞ Judy Pitney ✞ Marianne Ratliff ✞ Mary Segroves ✞ Catherine Burnett Sheffer & Family ✞ Brian Shinault ✞ Janet Shrock ✞ Suzanne Smitherman ✞ J.J. & Jenna Stambaugh ✞ Pam Strickland ✞ Betsy Tant ✞ Gay Thompson ✞ Stephanie Thompson ✞ Seth Walton & Family ✞ Ray & Jean Weeden ✞ Liz Whitson ✞ Betsy Wilcox ✞ Joanne Wilson ✞ Richard Wilson ✞ Jackson Wyss ✞ Dick & Mary Yearington ✞ Sandy Yearman ✞ Elizabeth Young ✞ Alice Zaher ✞ Men in Cell Block 4B
 The cost of the Pavement & Sidewalk was approximately $18,800. These repairs will improve physical safety, extend the life of our parking lots, and enhance the overall appearance of our property. Your financial gift to assist in covering the cost of these improvements will help to ensure the continued success of our ministry for many years to come.
A: conf A | B: conf B | H: helping hands | K: kitchen | L: library | N: nave | P: parish hall | R: remote | V: virtual
NOTE: For the most accurate information pertaining to scheduled activities & events,
refer to the calendar on the front page of the St. James website stjamesknox.org.

St. James Episcopal Church
through July 31, 2023
Operating Revenue To Date: $340,375 (unrestricted)
Operating Expenses: $374,209
Net Operating Revenue: ($33,834)
Just A Reminder - There are a couple of ways to give online at St. James.
One way is to click the GIVING tab at our website - stjamesknox.org. This will open a menu of options. After selecting one of the options, you can make your gift by providing a valid email address and payment information. If you already have a Realm account, just log in and go to the Giving menu item on the left hand side of the screen.
Another way to give is by text. Just text the phrase “stjamesbroadway” to the number 73256, you’ll be directed to a giving portal to enter your information and make your gift. If your email address matches what we have on record, the amount will be added to your records on Realm.
About Your Records - You always have access to your own records. In order to retrieve them, you must first create a Realm account. From there, you can view your giving history as well as print them out for your own record keeping or tax purposes.
About Recurring Gifts - Since Realm is now the preferred method for online giving at St. James, previously established Vanco Direct donation accounts must be canceled and reset to create a new GIVING LINK through Realm. While this can be done relatively easily on your own, we would like to work with you to convert your account over to Realm. If you are the least bit unsure how to proceed, please contact Bob, bob@stjamesknox.org, 865-523-5687.
Planned Giving - also referred to as “legacy” giving - enables individuals to make larger gifts to St. James than they could make from ordinary income. A planned gift is a major gift made during a lifetime or at death as part of a donor’s overall financial or estate planning. Planned gifts include donations made through a will, gifts of equity from an IRA, life insurance, and/or gift trusts. By contrast, pledged gifts are made from a donor’s discretionary income. Pledges are included in the annual operational budget, but they are not assured. Whether donors provide cash, appreciated securities, stock, life insurance, a retirement plan, or some other valuable asset, the benefits of funding generated through a planned gift can make this type of charitable giving very attractive to both the donor and St. James. For more information, contact your Financial Advisor and let us know of the plan. Or, you can contact the St. James Financial Advisors:
Robert Williams - Registered Representative - Cetera Advisor Networks LLC, member FINRA/SIPC (865) 558-1779
Katharine Pearson Criss - Philanthropic Advisor - Cetera Advisor Networks LLC, member FINRA/SIPC (865) 748-8371
Ministry group leaders at St. James generously devote intentional time to planning, facilitating, and coordinating the outreach and in-reach activities of their respective ministry groups. Often unheralded for their efforts, they graciously go about their duty performing tasks that contribute to feeding and tending God's sheep at St. James.
St. James Episcopal Church A Parish in the Diocese of East Tennessee
The Right Rev. Brian Lee Cole - Bishop
CLERGY The Rev. John Mark Wiggers - Rector, The Rev. RJ Powell - Priest Associate
STAFF Ashley Burell - Cantor, Organist & Choirmaster, Bob Wadley - Business Manager, Kevin Jeske-Polyak - Parish Administrator, Linda Goins - Parish Secretary, Theresa Ann Russell - Nursery Coordinator, Rick Brown - Sexton, Jill Richardson - Kitchen Steward
VOLUNTEER STAFF Jane Clift - Church Librarian, Susan Bain - Music Librarian, Tim Lett - Director of Handbell Ministries, Frank Laszlo, Jr. - Historian
VESTRY Lee Creech - Senior Warden (2024), Drew Harper - Junior Warden (2023), Audrey Nitz - Clerk (2023), Mark Abell - Treasurer (2023), Stacy Hall (2023), Carla Livesey (2025), Tim Nichols (2024), Scott Childs (2024), Jennie Sullivan (2024), Elizabeth Young (2025), Barb Merritt - Recording Secretary, Mollie Moore - Recording Secretary
Copyright © 2023 St. James Episcopal Church, All rights reserved.
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