In this Easter season, we hear the stories from scripture about the 40 days the resurrected Christ appeared to his followers. We sometimes forget about that space before the ascension and Pentecost. The disciples went from one fear to another once they encountered the risen Christ. Jesus meets them offering peace and calling them to engage in the ministry of forgiving, loving, and making disciples. The peace and the call are the same for all of us today.
I know that I can't do those things alone. I need to join with community in prayers and go forth to love and serve the Lord. This month I am particularly excited about the work of the St. James justice ministry and Justice Knox. I hope that you have Tuesday, April 25 on your calendar. The Justice Knox Nehemiah Action is at 7:00 PM that night at Knoxville Civic Auditorium. There is more information below. We need to turn out large numbers to show our elected officials that we want to see some changes that help those in need.
Join us on May 1 at St. James for a Friendship Circle. This time we are having a potluck as we gather in the nave and the courtyard. Come join us to hear more about our renovations and to just be together. Breaking bread together strengthens us to live out the call of being a disciple.
I also want to say again how grateful I am for all of you who helped make Holy Week and Easter a special experience for all of us. We see the suffering on the cross and we also witness the suffering of the world. We shout Alleluia as we also proclaim hope in the midst of this world. Your gifts of song, service, food, flowers, dusting, recording and streaming, decorating and serving in so many ways helps others see the light of Christ. Thank you.
I look forward to seeing you all Sunday and next Tuesday night.
Fr. John Mark
MUSIC - St. James has a long tradition of providing inspirational music as part of our morning worship services - both vocal and instrumental. Now, as a new feature, The St. James Sentinel, will include a clickable link that will provide a clip of actual service music from a previous week. The "Music" linkwill be found at the top of the page in the same area as the links for this week's Service Booklet, Prayers & Gatherings, Prayer List, and current Newsletter. Enjoy!
COFFEE HOUR TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED - Amidst the intensified construction activity in the parish house, our Sunday "Coffee Hour" has been temporarily suspended. Coffee Hour will resume once the parish hall, conference room, and kitchen reopen sometime in May. To express interest in helping when this fellowship activity resumes, please contact Carol
PEW REMOVAL - As our construction schedule remains on track, the pews in the Nave will be removed in early May. Being sold below market value, (minimum $300 donation per pew), several have already been purchased by church family members and wishing to own a piece of St. James history. Pews may be reserved by submitting a downloadable reservation request form at THIS LINK, along with your payment. Details pertaining to purchasing a pew are included on the form. For more information, please contact Fr. John Mark or Kevin
FORWARD MOVEMENT -Luke 3:2bThe word of God came to John.
The story of John the Baptist is familiar, but I have often skimmed over this first part that says the word of God came to John. What does that mean? Has the word of God also come to us?
We believe that in the beginning was the word and that God spoke the word into being. Yet, human words can often be painful. They can cause much divisiveness, of taking sides and cutting down others who are different from us.
John spoke words he heard from God, and they were not very gentle words: “You brood of vipers!” But John spoke urgently and roughly because he wanted to get people’s attention.
Have we lost that sense of urgency today? Have we forgotten the necessity of hearing—and responding—to God’s word? Yes, many of us have been baptized, as John called for, but do we continue to expect the word of God to come to us? If not, why not? Source Forward Day by Day
From The Three Episcopal Bishops of Tennessee
April 17, 2023
Thus says the LORD of hosts: Old men and old women shall again sit in the streets of Jerusalem, each with staff in hand because of their great age. And the streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing in its streets. Thus says the LORD of hosts: Even though it seems impossible to the remnant of this people in these days, should it also seem impossible to me, says the LORD of hosts? Zechariah 8:4-6
As Episcopal Bishops in the State of Tennessee, we are persuaded that the vision of Zechariah, a vision for the renewal of Jerusalem, with the promise of return from exile, is a vision for us today, too.
The epidemic of gun violence across our land has made none of the streets of our state safe, either for the old to sit or the young to play. As bishops who believe God invites us to inhabit the promised visions of the prophets, along with praying for those whose lives have been disrupted and destroyed by gun violence, we also pray that our state legislators will act now to find and walk a path together, enacting legislation which embraces common sense gun regulations. We ask that our legislators give our communities the tools necessary now to ensure that the children of Tennessee will be able to play safely in our streets, and grow up to be elders, without a daily fear that acts of gun violence are impossible to stop.
It is not a question if God is in our streets or not. God is here, God is there. What is heartbreaking is that the God in our streets, for now, is suffering and lamenting, seeing the blood of the old and the young. Along with God’s, our hearts are breaking, too. It is time for us to wake from this shared nightmare, and recall that we are called to believe that safe streets, schools, and communities, are not only possible, but essential for the sake of our state and our souls.
ALTAR FLOWERS - It is a St. James tradition to place flowers or greenery on the altar in honor of, or in thanksgiving for, loved ones. Altar flowers are needed for Jun 11, Aug 20, Aug 27, Sep 10, Sep 17, & Sep 24. Please contact Linda Goins for information or 865-523-5687.
NEHEMIAH ACTION ASSEMBLY - The annual Justice Knox Nehemiah Action Assembly will be held at the Knoxville Civic Auditorium & ColiseumTHIS COMING TUESDAY from 7 pm - 8:30 pm. Be sure to be in your seat by 6:40 pm for pre-meeting announcements. But first, watch the 6-minute charge delivered by The Rev John Mark Wiggers at the close of last year's Nehemiah Action Assembly by clicking THIS LINK. St. James volunteers will be serving delicious chili & cheese hot dog burritos and cold beverages to the first 100 people who pull through our parking lot between 5:45 pm - 6:15 pm on their way to the Assembly. Burritos will be limited to one per person so be sure to arrive early! Serving will end promptly at 6:15 pm. If you would like to participate in carpooling, plan to be in the parking lot between 5:45 pm and 6 pm. For more information about the Nehemiah Action Assembly, please open the 2-page flyer at THIS LINK and/or contact Margaret Bickley or Fr. John Mark.
LOCAL NEEDS -Compassion Coalition, of which St. James is an active member, is transforming our city. It represents the body of Christ working together in unity to serve the greatest needs. These local needs have been identified by Compassion Coalition . . .
A widow in the 37921 area needs two exterior doors to replace the current doors that have been broken into. Please contact if you can help. A mom of 3 needs basic furniture; kitchen table/chairs, couch, beds, etc. If you can help contact A retired, disabled single grandmother in the 37914 community needs a washer and dryer. She has custody of her 32-month-old grandchild and is having knee replacement surgery in a few weeks and will be unable to go back and forth to a laundry mat. She may need help getting them to her home and installing them. If you can help with this need please contact A 2nd-grade student in the 37921 area needs a twin bed. They are sharing a toddler bed and have outgrown it. If you can help contact A 12-year-old boy with special needs size 12 boys long pants with an adjustable or elastic waistband (no shorts). If you can help contact A young woman needs size 15/16 black pants for work. Please contact if you are able to donate.
The Episcopal Diocese of East Tennessee is committed to protecting each child of God. The Safe Church, Safe Communities training program teaches us how exploitation and harassment can occur, the awareness we need to prevent such occurrences, and how to respond should such an incident occur. Accordingly, persons in specific roles at St. James are required to complete specific courses in the Safe Church, Safe Communities training program. This includes priests, retired clergy, nursery workers, parent helpers, youth helpers, youth ministers, Sunday school teachers, acolyte leaders, overnight helpers, vestry members, wardens, treasurer, key holders, eucharistic visitors, ministry group leaders, sextons & administrators. A CHART highlighting the required courses for each position can be viewed at THIS LINK.
To access the courses required of persons in your position, please follow these instructions:
If you forgot your password, click the "Forgot your password?" link.
If you never had an account with Praesidium Academy, please send an email to Kevin and he will create one for you.
After you successfully log in, scroll down to browse the available courses. Be aware that most are in English (ENG), some are in Spanish (ES), and a few are in French (FR).
To access a course, click the "Start Course" or "Continue" link.
Follow the prompts to complete the course.
Be sure to follow all the prompts and forward arrows until you reach the BLACK "Exit Course"button. Failure to click the final black button will prevent you from obtaining your certificate of completion for the course.
It would be great if everyone could complete their training between now and the end of May.
SUICIDE PREVENTION - Suicide is the second leading cause of death in teens. 18.8% of high school students reported having seriously considered suicide in the past year. On Saturday, April 29th from 9 am - 3 pm, Bookwalter United Methodist Church, (4218 Central Ave Pike) is hosting a Suicide Prevention & Awareness Day. Clark Flatt, founder, and CEO of the Jason Foundation will be the keynote speaker. The focus of the event:
know warning signs
bullying & other underlying issues
resources, urgent and long-term care
This event is FREE. Breakfast and lunch provided. Register at, by clicking on "events". Questions: email, or telephone (865) 394-3295.
On Saturday, May 13, the Episcopal Diocese of East Tennessee will host its annual Here I Am Day at the Episcopal School of Knoxville. It is for anyone who is discerning a call to lay ministry, religious orders, the vocational diaconate, or to the priesthood. The day will feature reflections, panel discussions with lay and ordained ministers, and opportunities for prayer and fellowship.
Here I Am Day is great for those who are just beginning to explore a call and who would like more information about different ministries and tools for discernment. All those who have begun a process of discernment within their parish are expected to attend, along with their sponsoring clergy.
Lunch and refreshments are included in the $20 registration fee. The registration deadline is Monday, May 1, 2023. Please feel free to contact Jon Humber, Episcopal Engagement Specialist, with any questions, at Register HERE.
GRACE POINT FAMILY CAMP - Family camp is a great time for younger children to get a glimpse of what a week of camp would look like. Young children come with a parent, grandparent, or friend for a weekend. In the morning, we have a program to talk about God and in the afternoon you have the opportunity to visit the art barn, go tubing, fish, and more! Hey, Adults! You're a camper too, make sure to register yourself! Click the image in this article to see the full flyer and visit the Gracepoint website at for more details and to register.
ALL ABOUT LOVE FESTIVAL - Across the church and around the world, we are hungry for revival and renewal. Join us for “It’s All About Love,” a church-wide festival of worship, learning, community, and action for the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement this summer in Baltimore. It’s All About Love features three Jesus Movement festival “tents” – Evangelism, Creation Care, and Racial Justice. Each tent will be the focus of an evening revival worship service and a central plenary speaker, plus dozens of daytime workshops, panels, practice opportunities, and other ways to engage. Attendees can engage with the calls to Evangelism, Creation Care, and Racial Reconciliation through the following lenses: Liturgy and Worship, Formation, Justice and Advocacy, Leadership, Preaching, Stewardship, Youth and Children, And more. Learn more HERE.
UTO ALL ABOUT GRATITUDE - The season of Easter lasts 50 days…might you plan to try to think of one thing a day for which you are grateful? If putting coins/bills into the box doesn’t appeal to you, what about slipping a small piece of paper in the box with a few words about something for which you are grateful? GRATITUDE FOR ABUNDANCE Creator Spirit, In gratitude we offer thanks for all which has been provided for us, as well as for opportunities and challenges placed before us. Help us to envision our future together from a viewpoint of abundance rather than scarcity; from love rather than despair or hate. Love and gratitude have the ability to transform us in ways which we may never understand, yet at the same time, call to us. Thanks be to our Creator – Always. Amen Source: Mrs. Susan Harries St. James’ Episcopal Church Women Diocese of Northern Michigan.
REVELATION - NOT WHAT YOU THINK - Marie Cantrell will present a 6 week in-person class on the Book of Revelation - start date to be announced. The class will meet at St. James each Wednesday morning from 10 am - 11:15 am. After this class, you will have learned how to read the book in its proper context without coming away thinking it is all about gloom and doom! It is actually about hope in the face of suffering. At least six registrants will be required for the class to meet. Register now by sending an email to
ECW EVENT CALENDAR – The Episcopal Church Women Ministry, (ECW), enjoys hands-on involvement in church life. We celebrate the children of St James and enjoy sponsoring parish-wide opportunities including the Rummage Sale, and events like the September picnic. In 2022 we hosted the Easter breakfast for the choir and others serving during the services plus the Easter hospitality time after church. The ECW lets our folks in the military know we are praying for and thinking about them by sending cards throughout the year and small gifts at Christmas. Here is the planned 2023 ECW schedule as of our February Meeting:
Tyson House Meals - TBD
UTO Spring Offering - Mother’s Day – May 14
Doorstep – Helping Hands Lunch - TBD (chili lunch in the fall?)
“No Fund Raiser Fund Raiser” – TBD (likely mid-summer)
Centennial Celebration/Luncheon – September 24
Rummage Sale – October 21
Trunk or Treat - Sunday, October 29
UTO Fall Offering – November 19
Marketplace/Bake Sale – November 12 or December 3
QUILT "SIGNEES" - Below are the names that will be included on the Centennial Quilt so far. Don't miss your opportunity to be included by signing a "square"! For your convenience, in addition to Sunday mornings, quilt pieces are also available to sign in the church office, Mon -Thu, 10 am - 3 pm. If you would like a piece sent to you to sign, please contact Bea Emory. We want EVERYONE to sign the quilt!
(251+ Names) Mark & Susan Abell, Barbara Andrew, Mike & Elizabeth Armstrong, Norma Armstrong, Brian & Sandra Austin, Susan Bain, Gail Barnhill, John Baum, Marty Begalla, Margaret Bickley & SuAnne Cobb, Betty Bowling, Rick & Lyn Brown, Rick Brown Jr (in memory), Jim & Gayle Browne, Troy Burns, Michelle, Gage, Savanna, Makayla, Landen, Colt, Easten, Willow & River Byrd, Doug Caleb, Mark, Emily, Parson & Phoebe Campen, Hoyt & Marilyn Canady, Paul, Emily, Ollie, & Ada Ruth Canady, Marie Cantrell, Bob & Helen Cargile, Amy Chapman (in memory), Linda Chapman, Harry & Patty Chase, Scott Childs, Jane Wolkiel Clift, Robert Clift, Sr (in memory), Michael Clift, Robert Clift Jr, Jeff, Nancy, & Erzhan Cocharan, Bill Collins & Angie Livesay, Gregg & Caroline Combs-Young, Bill Combs, Ginny Combs, David Connolly, Jennifer Connolly, Bradley Cox, Thomas & Rebecca Cox, Lee Creech, Katharine Criss, Linda Denton, The Driskells, Linda & Duane Dunlap, Benjamin D. Dunning, Catherine D. Dunning, Emily Dunning, Sue Dyson, Suzanne Farkas, Linda Fitzpatrick, Pamela Clift Flynn, Terri & Donna Foster-Allen, Lou Ann Gaby, Mike & Susie Gardner, Craig & Joseph Gardner, Bill Gervin, Susan Dunlap Gill, Glossup-Derrick Family, Charles Goan, Linda Goins, Liz, Christopher, Ryan & Emily Golliher, Cladio A. Gonzales, Margaret Goodman, Joe Gouffon, Linda Granstrom, Alan Granstrom, Stacy Hall, Patricia Hammer, Al & Helen Harb, Wadad Harb, Drew Harper, Anne Haselton-Rowe, Victoria & Brice Hawkins, Barbara Hickey, Judy Householder, Reggie Hulsey, Junior Humphrey, Lamar, Tobertha & Wiatta Thomas Jackson, Karen Lloyd & Drew Steen, Kevin & Drew Jeske-Polyak, Pat & Patti Jeske, Claramae Johnson, Kyla Keck & Ashley Burell, John & Merilee Kerwin, Louise Dunlap Kinser, Sheila & Donn Kurtz, Frank & Martha Laszlo, Diane Livermore, Carla Livesey, Stephanie Manning & Hilton Smith, Martin Family, Fasia Massaquoi, Fritz Massaquoi (in memory), Douglas McCaleb, Carol McDaniel, Mary McGavock & Damon Beard, Catherine "Kitty" McNamara, Mary McNamara, Ed & Evelyn Miller, Nancy Minge, Anna Montgomery & Kurt Weiss, Rod & Mary Moore, James Moore, Molly Moore & Tony Teasley, Pam Morris & Renee Smith, Mary Muir, Phyllis Muth, Tony Nease, Miriam Nelson, Audry Nitz, Jim Orr, Mary Nelle Osborne, Elizabeth Partridge & Eric Dyer, Susan & Powell Partridge, Mary, Nick & Madeleine Passmore, Ida Mae Patteson, Robin & Dave Penegar, Steven & Betsy Pierce, John & Susan Pollock, Linda Pope, RJ Powell, David Pruess & Nancy Pullen, Emily Canady & Britt Ratliff, T & Jase Ratliff, Mark Reddaway, Danny Reynolds & Marvin Rominez, Jill & Rayna Richardson, James Rowland & John Sexton, Ana Salazar & Austin Patterson, Gerald Segroves, Mary Segroves, Richard Sidey, Nick Simson & Eleanor Aldridge & Oona Simson, Aubrie Starck, Andrew & Lesley Starck, Mary Jon Steen, Pam Strickland, Jeannie Sullivan, Mary & Joseph Sullivan (in memory), Phillip Szuromi, Cindy Taylor, Maevis Teasley & Zadie & friend, Scott Teets (in memory), Sharon Teets, Cynthia Thornburg, Geoffrey Trowbridge, Janet Van Der Dussen, Bob Wadley, Lew Walton & Carlene Loop, Sarah & Seth Walton, Ray & (Norma) Jean Weeden, Laura Wheat, Carolyn Wheeler, Jimmy Wheeler, Tim Wiegenstein, John Mark Wiggers, Richard Wilson, Butch & Carol Yates, Bill and Kim Yearman, and Elizabeth Campbell Young.
CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS - Interior renovations in both the kitchen and parish house are expected to be completed by Memorial Day, (May 29). The walls have been painted, a 3-compartment sink & automatic dishwasher have been installed, and new floor tiles have been installed in the expanded kitchen space. A curb has been installed outside the kitchen to contain a new herb garden that will be created. New ceiling tiles, vinyl flooring, and brighter energy-efficient LED light fixtures have been installed in the parish hall. The individual room-sized HVAC units in the offices and classrooms have been replaced and vinyl flooring has been installed in the hallway at the conference room end of the parish house. Conference Room A is closed as work is underway to install an elevator to the second floor. Meanwhile, the outside wall in the memorial garden has been modified to double the capacity of our columbarium. Intensive renovations in the nave will take place during the months of June through August to meet our goal of project completion by September 24, 2023. Click the images below for a closer inspection of some of the renovations currently underway. Please make your donation to the Centennial Capital Campaign to help us prepare our facilities for the next 100 years!
OUR CATHEDRAL CHAIRS - Excitement about our new cathedral chairs is building as demonstrated by the increasing number of people who are becoming chair "sponsors". Currently being built in Beatrice, Nebraska by skilled craftsmen who specialize in building custom church furniture, our chairs will be constructed of the finest Northern grown solid red oak. When aligned in rows and joined together with ganging clamps, they will have the look and feel of pew seating but they will be more comfortable and allow for greater seating flexibility. Each of our chairs will include a cushioned seat, front and rear bookracks, and a sturdy kneeler. Family, friends, and organizations are invited to "sponsor" individual cathedral chairs by making a $500 cash contribution to St. James Episcopal Church specifically designated for this purpose. In exchange for your cash contribution, the backside of each chair you sponsor will be fitted with an engraved brass plate, (approximately 5" W x 2.5" H), commemorating your gift. The engraved message may recognize a family member or anyone else of your choosing. Access a Cathedral Chair Sponsorship Form at THIS LINK. If you have additional questions about sponsoring one or more cathedral chairs, please contact or
INVEST IN ST. JAMES - To date, we have secured $640,183 in gifts to our Centennial Capital Campaign - 32.0% of our $2 million fundraising goal.
That's a great start, but we need to raise much more to do what must be done to upgrade our facilities. Renovations in the kitchen, parish hall, and administrative wing are in full swing! So, if you have been prayerfully thinking about making a pledge, now would be a great time to help us keep up with the expenses we are incurring and accelerate the progress toward reaching our goal. Please join the folks listed below who have already pledged and/or made cash contributions to the campaign. Obtain a downloadable Capital Campaign Pledge Form by clicking THIS LINK.
THANK YOU . . . Mark & Susan Abell, Aramark Hospitality Company, Mike & Elizabeth Armstrong, Asset Realty Management, Brian & Sandra Austin, Caroline Ballinger, Rick Bearden, Marty Begalla, Blackburn Development Group, Betty Bowling, Rick & Lynda Brown, Bessie Burell, Ashley Burell & Kyla Keck, Troy Burns, Chester & Francie Butler, Hoyt & Marilyn Canady, Marie Cantrell, Paul Cate, Harry & Patty Chase, Scott Childs, Jane Clift, SuAnne Cobb & Margaret Bickley, Brian Cole, Bill & Ginny Combs, Thomas & Rebecca Cox, Lee Creech & Beth Meyer, Katharine Criss, Janet Dees, Linda Denton, Theresa DeRosa, Boyce & Susan Driskell, Duane & Linda Dunlap, Bea Emory, Episcopal Church Women, Financial Marketplace, Inc., Linda Fitzpatrick, Linda Goins, Liz & Christopher Golliher, Margaret Goodman, Joseph Gouffon, Linda Granstrom, Susan Gray, Stacy Hall, Patricia Hammer, Drew Harper, Victoria Hawkins & Bryce Giesler, Barbara Hickey & David Linge, Judy Householder & Lou Ann Gaby, Mary Ireland, Kevin & Drew Jeske-Polyak, John & Merilee Kerwin, Sheila C & Donn Kurtz, Charles & Diane Livermore, Carlene Loop & Lew Walton, Charles & Frieda Marsh, Carol McDaniel, Mary McGavock & Damon Beard, Ed & Evelyn Miller, Rodney & Mary Moore, Pam Morris & Renee Smith, Sarah & Todd Moss, Mary Muir, Phyllis Muth, Timothy & Jessie Nichols, Audrey Nitz, Mary Nelle Osborne, Powell & Susan Partridge, Steven Pierce, LouAnn Robinson, Jim Rowland, Gerald Segroves, Kenneth & Kathleen Sherfick, Drew Steen & Karen Lloyd, Jennie Sullivan, Sharon Teets, Gay Thompson, Cynthia Thornburg & Tom Dunne, Jimmie & Carolyn Wheeler, John Mark & Liz Wiggers, Dean Wiggers, Butch & Carol Yates, Bill & Kim Yearman, and Elizabeth Young, Jeffrey & Alice Zaher.
Lord Christ, the shepherd of the sheep, we give thanks for those
who have built up the work of St. James over the past 100 years.
Give us grace to continue in their faithfulness
by doing justice and mercy in this community.
Grant us generous hearts to support and build the resources
that will strengthen and continue our work of feeding and tending your sheep.
May we do all these things to your glory, you who reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
SUN: Sunday Morning Christian Formation. (Conf Room A). 9:15 am - 10:15. Join Fr. John Mark April 16-30 at 9:15 am on Sundays. We will be discussing resurrection and what that means for us right now.
SUN: Youth Ministry Class. Every Sunday at 10:45 am. Classes are open to all youth ages 5-13. The Third Sunday of every month will be a craft class. Please come join the wonderful group of teachers and enjoy learning new and exciting information. Contact: Theresa Russell for additional information.
MON: Centering Prayer. (Zoom 1st & 3rd Monday, Zoom or Library, on 2nd & 4th Monday). 6 pm - 7 pm. Studying Sacred Earth Sacred Soul by John Phillip Newell. Zoom Link Meeting ID: 813 3584 8679 | Pray.
TUE: Tuesday Morning Discussion Group. (Zoom). 11 am - noon. From April 18 through the end of May, Drew Jeske-Polyak will be leading the discussion group in learning to share stories as a form of Episcopal Evangelism. Meeting ID 816 8271 5668 and Passcode 481655. Contact: Margaret Bickley, or call 865-384-7422 for assistance.
WED: Revelation Discussion Group. (Conf Room A). 10:00 am - 11:15 am. Marie Cantrell will present a 6 week in-person class on the Book of Revelation - start date to be announced. At least six registrants will be required for the class to meet. Register now by sending an email to
TUE: The Soul of the Indian. (Zoom). 6 pm - 7 pm. "Black Elk Speaks" by John G. Neihardt. The story of Black Elk, an Oglala Lakota medicine man. Contact: Ron Morton for the link.
THU: Thursday Study Group. (Conf Room A). 10:00 am - 11:15 am. We will continue with our study and discussion of the scriptures for upcoming Sunday services through the Day of Pentecost (which is the last Sunday in May this year). No advance preparation is required - come and join a lively discussion and usually lunch at a local restaurant afterwards. Contact Nancy Pullen with any questions at 415-722-0139 or THU: Praying the Anglican Rosary. (Zoom). 7 pm - 8 pm. One hour of praying the anglican rosary. All are welcome! Meeting ID: 836 8961 2206 | rosary Contact Cynthia Thornburg or Margaret Bickley.
We apologize for any errors or omissions that may have occurred in this publication at press time.
For questions related to any content, please contact referenced ministry leaders or email:
St. James Episcopal Church 1101 N. Broadway St. Knoxville, TN 37917